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Results for "keyword: "domestic violence""
Carandiru An unusual prison movie set in a Sao Paulo House of Detention where a doctor earns the respect of the prisoners with his genuine interest in the stories of their wayward lives.
Wyatt Earp A parabolic sagebrush saga about this legendary figure in the Wild West.
Romero A riveting drama about the radicalization of a moderate Catholic priest as he is exposed to the violence and suffering in El Salvador.
Fragments Vividly conveys the sorrow and suffering brought into the lives of five individuals by a man with a gun and his act of random violence.
Intermission An edgy Irish drama set in Dublin where a lot of angry people vent their rage on others.
End of Days Reveals the archetypal link between Satan and fire.
The Devil's Own Revolves around two men whose passionate commitment to justice puts them on a collision course.
Dear America: Letters Home From Vietnam Adds immeasurably to the growing stockpile of testaments about this tragic war.
Nighthawks A compelling movie with plenty of adrenaline-pumping chase sequences.
Director's Statement on The Ground Truth The director's statement about his intentions in the documentary.